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Glitzy Dragon Creates | Epoxy Free Tumblers and Drinkware plus Other Handmade Goods



Apply 25% off to orders over $50 with the promo code "JULYXMAS25".

Help me make room for fall, winter, and holiday items!! I have some great ideas and need to make room!!


My little shop is going to close for just a short while. I have some medical issues that need taking care of first and then I'll be back to creating and shipping and all that fun stuff. There are some things that are still listed for sale here that are either downloadable files OR they're things that are fulfilled elsewhere. Those are still totally available. AND check out my shop at Society6 if those designs are what you're looking for.

Promise! It will be just a short while and then I'll be back up and running! Thank you for your patience, friends! Love and hugs!


First off, how dare you!? Dragons are awesome and that's just it.

Second. Dragons are powerful, mythical, strong, brilliant... All the best books I read as a kid featured dragons. I never liked the ones where dragons were evil and had to be "destroyed." Even Smaug has his good side, I'm sure. He's just misunderstood--he needs a Lauren hug.

So when it came time to think up a business name for my crafting venture, dragons were heavy in my head. I love sparkly shiny things too. Combine sparkle with dragons? Yes please!

A friend designed my logo and the rest was history!

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